
IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 | BCS-012 Basic Mathematics BCA(I)012/Assignment/2023-24

IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 | BCS-012 Basic Mathematics BCA(I)012/Assignment/2023-24 Q1. If A = [3 -1],                   [2  1] Show that A^2 - 4 A + 5 I2 = 0. Also, find A^4        Q2. Find the sum of first all integers between 100 and 1000 which are divisible by 7.           (5)   Q3. a) If pth term of an A.P is q and qth term of the A.P. is p, find its rth term.    b) Find the sum of all the integers between 100 and 1000 that are divisible by 9.    Q4. If 1, 𝜔,𝜔 2 are cube roots of unity, show that (2 – 𝜔) (2 – 𝜔 2 ) (2 – 𝜔 19) (2 – 𝜔 23) = 49.     Q5. If α, β are roots of x2 – 3ax + a2 = 0, find the value(s) of a if α2 + β2 = 7/4 .   Q13. Using integration, find length of the curve y = 3 – x            from (-1, 4) to (3, 0).     Q14. Show that the lines, given below, Intersect each other.           (x − 5) /4 = (y − 7)/ −4 = (z −3)/ −5   and (x−8)/ 4 = (y − 4)/ −4 = (z − 5)/ 4      Q16. Find the scalar component of projection of the vector                 a = 2𝑖̂

How to add or remove Filter in Excel

How to add or remove Filter in Excel       RollNo Sname Phy Che Maths Total 102 Mohan 65 87 98 250 103 Vikas 86 98 78 262 104 Hari 90 56 67 213 105 Bansi 66 87 56 209   Video Link: Add or Remove Filter                           You can also visit my YouTube Channel Gaurav Pali MCA

Lists in Python | Python Lists | Lists Functions in Python | Implementation of Lists in Python | Use of Lists in Python | Python by Gaurav Pali

Lists in Python | Python Lists | Lists Functions in Python | Implementation of Lists in Python | Use of Lists in Python | Python by Gaurav Pali Video Link:- Code: ##a=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,20] ##print(a) ##for i in range(len(a)): ##    print(a[i]) ##print(a[-4:-2]) ##b=["abc","xyz","pqr"] ##print(b[1]) ##a[3]=90 ##print(len(a)) ##c=[True, True,False,True,False] ##print(c) ##mix=[1,5,"hello",7,"bye",False,12,True,"good",6.5,8] ##print(mix) ##li=list(("Mouse","Keyboard","Scanner","Motherboard")) ##print(li) ## ##print(type(a)) ##print(type(b)) ##print(type(c)) ##print(type(mix)) ##print(type(li)) ##if "Mouse" in li: ##    print("yes, Mouse is in the list") ##li[1]="Mike" ##print(li) ##li[1:3]=["CPU"] ##print(li) ## ##li.insert(2,"Monitor") ##print(li) ##li.append("CPU") ##print(li) ## ##rr=[1,2,3,4,5

IGNOU BCS053 Web Programming Assignment 2021-22 Q1c Solution. Using table and lists create two web pages

IGNOU BCS053 Web Programming Assignment 2021-22 Q1c Solution. Using table and lists create two web pages   Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission : : : : : BCS-053 Web Programming BCA (5)053/Assignment/2021-22 100 31 st October, 2021 (For July , Session) 15 th April, 2022 (For January, Session) 1c) Using table and lists create two web pages, first displaying the list of all the course writers of BCS053 course. This information should be created in a table, the table should have a heading. The columns of the table should display the Unit number, unit name and unit writer’s name. The second page should display an unordered list, displaying the list of expert committee members of BCS053 course. You should use <div> tags, wherever needed; and create an internal CSS file, which formats the web pages as follows: (You must submit the HTML and CSS code and the screenshot of pages in a browser window) (i) (ii) The headings of the table must be i

MCS-033 Q1(b) Find the generating function for the following sequence : 1, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0

Q1(b) Find the generating function for the following sequence : 1, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0           You can also visit my YouTube Channel Gaurav Pali MCA

MCS054 TEE June 2021 Q1(b) | Bisection Method

BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA) (REVISED) Term-End Examination June, 2021 BCS-054: COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES   1(c) Find the smallest positive root for the equation using bi-section method : 7 x^3 + 3x^2 - 6 =0 Show three iterations. Solution:-                 You can also visit my YouTube Channel Gaurav Pali MCA

MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES | 1. (a) Write a web application using JSP and JDBC that takes a bank account number as input and displays the account balance.

  MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES | 1. (a) Write a web application using JSP and JDBC that takes a bank account number as input and displays the account balance. Assume that the balance after every transaction is available in the database  MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2021 MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES   1. (a) Write a web application using JSP and JDBC that takes a bank account number as input and displays the account balance. Assume that the balance after every transaction is available in the database.                                                                                                                                                                                     7 To watch this video click on the following Picture