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IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 | BCS-012 Basic Mathematics BCA(I)012/Assignment/2023-24

IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 | BCS-012 Basic Mathematics BCA(I)012/Assignment/2023-24 Q1. If A = [3 -1],                   [2  1] Show that A^2 - 4 A + 5 I2 = 0. Also, find A^4        Q2. Find the sum of first all integers between 100 and 1000 which are divisible by 7.           (5)   Q3. a) If pth term of an A.P is q and qth term of the A.P. is p, find its rth term.    b) Find the sum of all the integers between 100 and 1000 that are divisible by 9.    Q4. If 1, 𝜔,𝜔 2 are cube roots of unity, show that (2 – 𝜔) (2 – 𝜔 2 ) (2 – 𝜔 19) (2 – 𝜔 23) = 49.     Q5. If α, β are roots of x2 – 3ax + a2 = 0, find the value(s) of a if α2 + β2 = 7/4 .   Q13. Using integration, find length of the curve y = 3 – x            from (-1, 4) to (3, 0).     Q14. Show that the lines, given below, Intersect each other.           (x − 5) /4 = (y − 7)/ −4 = (z −3)/ −5   and (x−8)/ 4 = (y − 4)/ −4 = (z − 5)/ 4      Q16. Find the scalar component of projection of the vector                 a = 2𝑖̂