Count the no of lowercase letters in a text file bca.txt in C
Write a program in C to count the no of lowercase letters in a text file bca.txt
This program reads one character at a time by using fgetc() function until the EOF (end of file) returns. Then it checks whether the current character is lowercase or not. If it is a lowercase letter it increments the value of c by 1. It also displays the contents of file named bca.txt. And finally print the total number of lowercase letters present in the file, which is the main purpose to write the program
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<conio.h>
- void main()
- {
- FILE *fptr;
- char ch;
- int c=0;
- if((fptr=fopen("bca.txt","r"))==NULL)
- printf("File doesn't exist\n");
- else
- {
- while((ch=fgetc(fptr))!=EOF)
- {
- if(ch>=97&&ch<=122)
- c++;
- printf("%c",ch);
- }
- }
- printf("\nTotal lowercase letter in bca.txt file is %d",c);
- fclose(fptr);
- }
Sample Text (bca.txt)
My name is Gaurav Pali.
My higher qualification is MCA