M3-R4 O-Level Jan-20 TRUE Or FALSE

M3-R4 O-Level Jan-20 TRUE Or FALSE


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2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.



2.1 In C, upper and lower cases letter are same.

Answer: False

2.2 = is used for comparison, whereas, == is used for assignment of two quantities.

Answer: False

2.3 A function can be defined inside another function.

Answer: False

2.4 In switch statement, the default case is optional.

Answer: True

2.5 strlen() function counts the number of characters in a given string and returns

     the integer value.

Answer: True

2.6 The continue statement cannot be used with switch statement.

Answer: True

2.7 The basic meaning of the C keywords can be changed.

Answer: False

2.8 Functions can be called either by value or reference.

Answer: True

2.9 The
++ operator increments the operand by 1, whereas, the -- operator 

      decrements it by 1.

Answer: True

2.10 #define lines should end with a semicolon.

Answer: False


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