Write a program in C to check whether the number is prime or not.

/*Write a program in C to check whether the number is prime or not.*/

/*Note: Prime numbers are those numbers which is divisible by 1 or itself */

/* Solution 1: */


void main()
   int num,i=2;        /* Variables Declaration of integer type num and i  and             initialize the value of i*/
   clrscr();                        /* Function to clear the console screen */
   printf("Enter a number\n");  /* General message for the user */
   scanf("%d",&num);     /* Input a number by the user/through the keyboard*/
   while(i<num)             /* Starting of while loop */    
      if(num%i==0)        /* Check whether the input number is divisible by i */
         printf("%d is not a prime number",num); /* Print message if num is                     divided  by current value of i */
         break;  /* If the above condition matches, it comes out from the loop */
      i++; /* It increments the value of i by 1 */
   if(i==nun) /* This is the only condition that tells none other values of i                 between 2 and num-1 divides num */
    printf("%d is a prime number",num); /* Output message for prime */
   getch();  /* It stays on the console screen unit it gets a character */

/* Solution 2: By Using For Loop */


void main()
   int num,i;
  printf("Enter a number\n"); 
       printf("%d is not a prime number",num);
   printf("%d is a prime number",num);

/* Solution 3: */


void main()
   int num,i,count=0;
  printf("Enter a number\n"); 
  if(count==2) /* It checks the factors of the input number is equal to 2 or not */
   printf("%d is a prime number",num);
   printf("%d is not a prime number",num);

/*Solution 4: By using Do-While Loop */


void main()
   int num,i=1,count=0;
  printf("Enter a number\n"); 
   printf("%d is a prime number",num);
   printf("%d is not a prime number",num);

Enter a number
31 is a prime number

Enter a number
25 is not a prime number

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